
Aim and Objectives of Regional Employment Exchange, UT, Chandigarh

  1. Provides a platform for Employers and jobseekers to contact each other, so that employers can get suitable employees.
  2. Provides vocational guidance to the school/college students, jobseekers registered with the office and motivate, guide jobseekers for the employment.
  3. This officemaintains the information received from the private and public sector employers of Chandigarhregarding their staff strength in accordance with the employment exchanges compulsory notification of vacancies act 1959. Same information is also being shared withthe Director General employment and training New Delhi, Government of India, in the form of various returns as well as through NCS online portal.

Registration of Candidates and Jobseekers
Candidates/Jobseekers who are the residents of Chandigarh are being registered with this office along with the qualification and experience at free of cost. For registration any of the following documents are required as residence proof

  1. Aadhar Card.
  2. Certificate of Residence of Chandigarh issued by the District Administration.
  3. Discharge book in case of Ex-Serviceman and their Children.
  4. In case of SC/OBC/ST candidate certificates of SC/OBC/ST issued by the district administration.
  5. Certificate by employer in case of Central Govt. Employee or private employees working in Chandigarh for proof of residence to register the name of their children in Regional Employment Exchange.
  6. Voter Identity Card.
  7. If none of the above, is available with the applicant, then applicant has to submit an undertaking in writing in prescribed format available at office.

After registration, candidates are issued a registration card (i.e. named asX-10) that bears the registration number of the candidate and other important details registered with the office.

Vacancy Section
As per the Compulsory Notification of vacancy act 1959, it is mandatory for all the public sector and private sector having more than 25 employees to notify their vacancies to the employment exchange. The employers who come under the preview of this Act, notify the vacancies arising in their offices and in response, candidates and jobseekers are sponsored after matching the requisite criteria of the employers accordingly. No facilitation charges are charged by this office for the services provided.

Vocational Guidance
Regional Employment Exchange, UT, Chandigarh provides vocational guidance to the students as well as jobseekers/ candidates who are registered with the employment exchange. Guidance for self employment schemes is provided and self employment camps are organized in office as well as in various institutions. In these camps, information about various self employment schemes run by different Government agencies, banks, training for self-employment is provided.
Guidance seminars, interactive sessions are arranged in Schools/Colleges to guide students about the Career planning, training facilities in various streams etc.Career talks concerning different occupations, for self-employment are delivered by various experts.
Besides this,candidates are also guided about various job opportunities and the manner in which one can improve his/her employability by the guidance officer through group discussion.

Employment Marketing Information
Regional Employment Exchange maintains the information received from employersof local government, semi-govt., central government and private employers about the number of persons (employees) working under them. This information is used to guide the candidate about the jobs that are in demand and also to guide the schools learners about the job prospects in the city, so that, they can prepare themselves accordingly by getting themselves trained in concerned fields. This information is also disseminated to the Central Government for the purpose of planning.

Employment Exchange compulsory Notification of Vacancies Act 1959
Through this act, it is mandatory for each government employer and private employer having 25 employees working with them (It is obligatory for the employers having less than 25 employees) to send the information about the number of employees working with them to the employment exchange in the form of returns. Failing which, the employer can be prosecuted in the court of law under this Act by way of issue of Show Cause notices to the Employers. In case of unsatisfactory reply case of prosecution is prepared and submitted to competent authorities for action. These returns are meant forsubmission of information regarding occupational and educational details of employees and to forecast of vacancies arising during the next calendar year on account of retirement, expansion or reorganization.
With a view to ensure the accuracy and reliability of data furnished by the employers in returns, regular and systematic inspection of records or documents of the establishment is conducted by the Regional Employment Officer.
Government of India‘s Persons with Disability Act 1995 and Rights of Persons with Disability Act 2016 has assigned certain responsibilities to employment exchange. As per the Act’s mandate certain returns need to be filed by the employer to the Employment Exchange. These required returns reveals the information regarding Divyangjan persons working in that particular employer’s establishment i.e. orthopedic, blind and deaf and dumb. At the time of record checking of the employers they are guided about reservation of vacancies to disabled and advise the employer about the different processes of the act.